Channa Barca :: 8-9″


2 in stock


Pair available: £1800 each or 2 for £3000

Channa barca, also known as the Barca snakehead, require a large aquarium with lots of hiding places and powerful filtration. They are predatory fish that are best kept alone or in a male-female pair. 



  • Keep water temperature between 16–28°C 
  • In winter, reduce the water temperature to simulate the natural dry season 
  • Higher temperatures for long periods can lead to fatal bacterial infections 


  • Feed quality dried pellets made for snakeheads
  • Occasionally feed live or frozen foods like bloodworms, white mosquito larvae, and brineshrimp



  • Use a powerful filtration system and Ensure the aquarium is well-oxygenated. 

Tank mates

  • Keep alone or in a male-female pair 
  • Juveniles can be very aggressive towards each other 
  • If keeping a couple, remove the other fish after they have formed a pair 

Tank decor

  • Provide lots of hiding places in the form of rocks, wood, and dense vegetation 
  • Floating plants may be worth a try 

Tank lid 

  • Use a tight-fitting lid because they are notorious jumpers

Air access 

  • Ensure regular access to air above the surface of the water

videos of of actual fish


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